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Today, a website will sink or swim depending on the strength of its SEO considerations. Most people, when searching for a product or service on the internet use search engines. Without SEO services, the search engines can’t find your site on the web and your ranking will be poor to nonexistent. The best website promoting the best product in the world will fail if SEO services have been done poorly or haven’t been considered at all. Proper SEO services will follow several steps to ensure a maximization of ranking and a guaranteed increase in traffic.

Where To Start

Start Building Your Business - first thing you must do is analyze your current website. This has to be done in two ways.

The first is that you have to analyze the functionality of a site from an SEO perspective or so called "on page optimization", by checking the keywords, it's density, the HTML code and the meta tags.

The second is analysis of the site through the user's eye in terms of functionality and the quality of the users experience when using the site.

Target Your Audience's Needs

Targeting Your Audience - then need to consider your audience and your target market. Who do you want to have on your site? There are various factors you have to consider to give you a perspective of how you will market to them. Look at the demographics, the age, sex, education level, economic status, marital status, and Geo location; these will help you in knowing how you should convey your message.

Next, look to your competition. Analyze your competitor’s sites and rankings. What makes their sites work better than yours? What did they do to gain a higher ranking in the search engines than you?

Select Targeted Keywords

Target Your Keywords - you have done this research you can then make critical decisions on what you must do to improve your SEO services on your site. Now you can decide what relevant keywords you need for your site by looking at both your product or services and your intended audience or target market. You will use your keywords as the basis of your SEO strategy. You will have to carefully consider these keywords you choose as the effect of the SEO services will rely heavily on your choice; too narrow and you will target a negligible market, too broad and you will be overwhelmed by the competition.

Once you have your selected keywords, you must rewrite your website content to reflect this. Aim for a 3-5% keyword density throughout the site. Be careful of saturating the site with keywords, however; going much higher than 5% makes it harder to work the keywords in an organic way, and the result can sound unnatural and ruin the flow of the content and could alienate your audience.

Optimize your site every way you can, do not just optimize the content. Look at your site's code and ensure that the basic HTML and meta codes also reflect your keywords as the search engines initially scan these when they spider your site and use it as part of their ranking.

Linking Strategy

Using A Link Strategy - is another important part of improving your ranking. Non-reciprocal links, or one-way links are also a valuable tool when trying to raise your search engine ranking. They hold more value than reciprocal (two-way) links in terms of SEO services. To get more non-reciprocal links, write good content. Many people will link to your site if it is relevant or useful to them. Update it regularly to encourage this. Directory listings are also a great way to get non-reciprocal links. Article submissions are perhaps the best way to get one-way links; not only does it raise your ranking, but it can also be an additional source of traffic for your site.

To Conclude

These are some the basic things you need to do in terms of SEO optimization so that you site will rank higher in the search engines. Any less and you will fail. This does however bring you to a very important point, and that is how do you effectively manage your time to be able to do all these tasks efficiently and effectively? You will need a system of tools and services to assist you in this and one such system is Portal Feeder. If you are interested in knowing more about how you can effectively improve the effectiveness of your SEO campaigns then see what Portal Feeder has to offer.

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