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Understanding Search Engines To Improve SEO

Publish by: Webmaster Saturday, April 11, 2009

Search engine knowledge must not be overlooked
SEO is Search Engine Optimization so the best way to start your campaign is by understanding the mechanics of the search engine. So essentially, what is a search engine? A search engine is a website that dedicated to finding information amongst the billions of websites by matching the search term and the keywords corresponding websites use.

How search engine work in SEO
Since the searches are based on the keywords that the user types, search engines store and consequently index the words they come across on a website. The way that search engines index these websites is through the use of software robots known as spiders.

They basically look at the website and index the important words on the index (there are specific locations to look). Thus, the way SEO works is by using the Best Possible Keyword or phrase for a specific website and manipulating the placement of these words on the website. Repeated words in the contents, headings, sub-headings, links, page title and Meta tags are stored.

Optimizing for the search engine
Create a website with good contents that accommodates for both your visitors and search engine spiders.

  • Research your keywords well by looking at what you are providing. Ensure to research competitors as well.
  • When building links make sure that you are submitting the links to a reliable website for both quality traffic and your business reputation.
  • The link site should be relevant to your website.
  • Make use of Business Blogging.
  • read more “Understanding Search Engines To Improve SEO”

    Market Specific Is The Rule Of SEO

    Publish by: Webmaster

    Being market specific drives traffic
    The best utilisation of an SEO campaign is to be market specific. SEO is all about targeting (the right) traffic and if you want to generate more appropriate traffic, you should start by targeting the content of your website to a specific group or niche. Starting with your Keywords, by doing this, you will attract those visitors who are searching for information contained on your website and who actually intend on dropping in. Your volume of traffic will increase as well as the quality thereof. Your keywords need to be focused on the kind of thing that potential customers would search for precisely.

    Articles should also be market specific
    The incorporation of Articles within your website should also be market specific. Articles are another way of attracting your target traffic and should too contain relevant keywords most commonly searched for. Remember not to keyword stuff however. Articles need to be informative and valuable as a resource to users, which is imperative if you want them to stick around your website for a while, hopefully becoming customers and returning time and time again.

    Remember that your websites content serves as the connection between your market and business and the more relevant and precise your content is to your target market, the better your business will run.

    Target marketing tools
    Not targeting a specific market could be costly as well as time wasting. To correctly aim at a group, you need to understand the audience that will potentially use your site. Various tools can assist you in doing so. For example, the use of SEO toolbars can help you realise your competition and determine what is working for them. There are also websites that you can scan through that might give you an idea on what people are looking for. These interactive sites have posts by users with specific questions, which you can use to your advantage.

    SEO Analytics can help you find out how users find their way onto your website (search engines, via an affliliate site, pay per click etc) and you can adjust your SEO campaign as you go to ensure that you get the most of your marketing budget.

    read more “Market Specific Is The Rule Of SEO”

    A common debate in the online world revolves around whether or not you need your own website to earn affiliate marketing revenue. This article will discuss the 2 opposing viewpoints on this topic and you can then decide what will work best for you.

    1. You can, for sure, earn affiliate marketing revenue without your own website. The following are several examples of how you can accomplish this.

    You can focus on building a mailing list and then sell your products to people on that list. You can grow your list without a landing page through buying co-registration leads.

    Your list will be automatically built because the co-registration lead business will place the leads right into your autoresponder. Once this is done, you can build relationships with these subscribers by following up regularly.

    Your reputation and credibility will go up as you work on building these relationships. Now it will be easier to earn affiliate marketing revenue as you can direct your subscribers to an affiliate sales page. They will be more likely to buy as you have pre-sold them already by sending them regular email messages through your autoresponder.

    Another way to earn affiliate marketing revenue without a website is to use direct methods for promoting your products. Some examples of this would be using traffic exchanges, purchasing banner ad space or using Internet based classified ads.

    Once you determine how much you need to spend to create a certain amount of revenue, it becomes simply a numbers game. You can now step up your advertising expenditures because you have a good idea about how much you used to spend to make a certain amount of profit.

    Now let's look at some examples of how you can use your own website to earn affiliate marketing revenue.

    When you have your own website, you are in complete control of all of the components. If you want, you can build review pages of various affiliate products and promote them like that. In this way, you can pre sell your visitors on a product before you redirect them to the affiliate sales page.

    Blogging is another strategy that people use to make affiliate marketing revenue with their own website. Often, people will attach their blog to the web host so that when they make a post, their website search engine rankings will increase. Your blog can be monetized by placing things like Google Adsense, banner ads and affiliate links into the sidebars of your blog.

    If you want, you can build landing pages, place them on your web hosting account and then promote them to build your opt in list. The bottom line is that having your own website will give you some extra flexibility to do more things.

    Whether you decide to work with a website or not to earn affiliate marketing revenue comes down to personal choice. It really depends on what you want to accomplish and what methods of online marketing you are comfortable working with.

    read more “Do You Need A Website To Make Affiliate Marketing Revenue?”

    The eBay registration is an easy and free process. The first thing you have to do is to visit eBay's front page and click on its sign in or register message. On clicking the register link, you will find a web form where you have to provide some personal information. The information you have to prove will be no more than required to open a trading account with eBay like your first and last names, complete mailing address, telephone number and email address.

    Only the email address has to be entered twice, once in the upper and once in the lower box. This is to ensure that you have typed your email address correctly on the form. The next part of the form to join eBay involves choosing and entering a nickname you want to be referred to by in eBay. In addition to this, you have to choose a password for account protection, a security question that you will be asked if you forget your password and date of birth for legal reasons. As there are millions of eBay users, the first choice you make for your nickname may not be accepted by eBay as someone else may have it. You have to choose your nickname and click on the 'Check your user id' box on eBay. If it is not accepted, just choose another name and repeat the procedure till your nickname gets accepted.

    Choose a secure password for eBay registration

    Choose a secure password to use on eBay, and enter it twice on the form in the same way. This done, on clicking on the secret question box, you will be given a few personal questions. You have to choose the question you can answer easily and quickly, and answer it. This is used as verification of your identity if you lose your password, after which you will be allowed to choose a new password. The next step in eBay registration lies in proving that you are human and not some Internet bot just creating eBay accounts. This is to ensure that eBay remains safe for its users. After agreeing to the terms of eBay, you have to click on the 'register' button and wait to see that the form and the information provided is accepted by eBay.

    You will then receive a message from eBay in your email inbox where you have to click on the link stating the last step for completion of your eBay registration. You then have to look for the button 'Activate now' and click on it after which you will receive a confirmation page stating the creation of your eBay account. This completes the registration process to join eBay and you can now use eBay to sell and buy things, start a business or any other means of earning money for yourself.

    read more “Learn how to join eBay and earn money”
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    How to Get More Website Traffic

    Publish by: Webmaster

    If you are running a commercial website, you realize the importance of a high amount of traffic and visitors is to the website. Network marketers realize that traffic can be converted into critical leads needed for success.

    This is why it is important to take the right steps in order to expand the amount of traffic you are receiving. There have been a number of ways to promote this concept over the years. Some methods have lost their effectiveness and this drives the need for compelling new strategy. One such new strategy is utilizing giveaway events in order to increase traffic and leads.

    As the name implies, giveaway events involve providing something for free in order to attract a large number of visitors and potential leads. This strategy has been employed in the real world for centuries as a way of boosting sales. It should not come as a surprise that the concept has moved into the online realm.

    There are multitudes of ways one can devise an online giveaway event. Here is a brief overview of one way it can be done. Of course, you can tweak and modify as much as you like based upon your particular needs.

    Setting Up a Giveaway Event

    - It is important to pick what you want to give away. Obviously, it would be beneficial to give a gift away that relates to what your primary business is related to. For example, if you are involved with the health and fitness field, it would be best to give away something related to health and fitness. For example, coupons that offer discounts on health drinks would be a solid giveaway.

    - Set up a date for the giveaway event. Since the giveaway will be intended to draw a large number of people together for an interactive event, a specified time and place is important. The place will be a website community and we will delve into that component soon.

    - A website must be set up to promote the event. The website will have a public and private area. The public area will announce the specific giveaway you will be offering. It will also announce the time and place. More importantly, it will have a section where members have to register. This is so they will receive a password to enter the private area during the event. Of course, the information you acquire in the sign up process will eventually be used to compile your lead list.

    - Of course, you will need to promote the event. Traditional strategies such as optimizing the giveaway site for the search engines and promotional blogging are helpful. However, setting up a social networking site (or several social networking sites) can pull in a lot of people in a short amount of time.

    - It would also significantly help your give away event if you allowed the advertising to go viral. In other words, you should suggest anyone interested in your giveaway event to tell their friends contacts about it.

    - The actual giveaway event should take place in a private section of the website. Live chat rooms and message boards should be integrated into the private section. Games and contests could be r un in order to add to the fun environment of the giveaway event. Of course, during the event, you could introduce and promote you MLM business while solidifying a relationship with those potential network members that have taken part in your giveaway.

    In Summation

    Giveaway events have the potential to build lists and expand traffic to a commercial site promoting MLM or other online ventures. It is not difficult to set up a giveaway event. Simply planning out all the steps in advance can increase the odds it will run smoothly and effectively.

    read more “How to Get More Website Traffic”

    One of the first lessons I learned when I started my endeavor into ways to make online money was that I could create a business out of any passion I had. I thought about my interests, and liked the idea of making money around them. But honestly, I couldn't imagine turning any of my hobbies into an online money making opportunity.

    But I'm a good student, so I did what I was told. Surprisingly, I found that if you're willing to invest the effort, it's easy to turn almost anything you're passionate about into an online money making opportunity.

    Now if your passion is studying the mating habits of the Blue Ringed Octopus, you may be out of luck. But really, there's got to be SOMETHING you're into that a few thousand others are also into.

    So, spend 15 minutes making a list of your hobbies, interests and passions. Then start with your favorite and let's take three steps to turn it into an online money making opportunity for you.

    Your first step is to find a starving crowd. This is where you learn if you can really make money online with something you're passionate about. No reason to spin your wheels if there aren't a good number of people out there who are hungry for information about your niche.

    To determine if there's a starving crowd, do three things. First, run a search using a couple of different free keyword tools to determine how many people are searching for information in your niche. Second, run a Google search and see how many people are using adwords to advertise in your niche. Finally, go to the bookstore and see how many magazines are available related to your hobby.

    So let's say people are searching for information on your hobby. And people are paying to advertise in your niche. And people are buying magazines on the subject. Great, you're in business.

    But, you can't stop there. If you want to really make money online, you have to take the second step and identify your specialty within your niche. Some call this "drilling down" into your niche.

    For example, there are a lot of ways to make online money if your passion is house pets. But house pets is a huge market. Too huge to go after. You have to focus. Maybe you really like dogs. And really really are interested in doggy health and nutrition. And you believe in natural and organic solutions.

    Great, you've gone from being an expert in house pets to being an expert in holistic and organic solutions for dog health and nutrition. This is a targeted market. Much easier to tackle than house pets in general. Of course as you're identifying your specialty, you'll want to go back through step one and make sure others are interested in this aspect of house pets too.

    The third step is the hardest. And, not surprisingly, it's the one that's crucial if you want to REALLY make money online. You must brand yourself as an expert in your specialty. You must create an online presence that causes people to trust you when you speak on your subject. If people trust you, they will like you. And, ultimately, they will buy from you. Again and again.

    Many people have a real desire to start an online business. Most can't get past wondering what business is a fit for them. Others dive in head first without taking the proper steps to make sure they can succeed, and then quit in frustration. Following these three steps will insure that you get started, and get started right.

    read more “3 Steps to Turning Your Hobby Into an Online Money Making Opportunity”

    Social networking is more than just a craze; it's revolutionizing the way businesses market to the whole world. Social networks have been around for several years now, but many people are still just getting started as they realize the potential. Social networking can increase your traffic and revenue more than you can imagine.

    Most online social networking efforts are free, and it takes very little effort to get some payoff with social networking. When you are consistent with your efforts it can go a long way to driving traffic to your website, increasing your exposure and establishing yourself as an expert in your field of business.

    1. Use your blog as a form of communication.

    Use your blog as a way for your potential customers to know you. A blog is a great way to express yourself and show off your quality. You want your readers to feel like you are talking to them as a friend, but I would recommend not getting too personal. The nice thing about blogs is that you can receive feedback on your content via comments. You can also use the blog to ask questions to your readers or hold contests. Your readers can enter the contest or respond to your questions via the comment section. I recommend keeping a dialogue going through your own comments, too. This helps to establish an environment where people know they can receive answers to their problems, as well as read fresh content.

    2. Use other people's blogs to establish yourself as an expert.

    Reading and commenting on blogs within your own niche or close to your niche can help you to establish yourself as an expert. You can offer your own opinions or angles to the entries being posted. When appropriate, you can even offer links to your own blog entries or articles to offer as additional information to the readers and in turn supplies additional exposure to your website.

    3. Connect with people in Facebook.

    Facebook is fast becoming a great way for people to connect socially and professionally. Some people have a problem combining their personal life with their social life, so this may not be an appropriate option for you. Facebook offers your customers a way to really engage with you and learn to trust you. Meeting people and making purchases through the internet can be risky, so there is a level of trust that needs to be established before people are comfortable buying from you.

    4. Leverage groups in Facebook or LinkedIn.

    Facebook also has a great community of groups that you can join. It is also free to create your own group to get some communication going amongst your own customers. LinkedIn has a similar feature. I think that for certain fields LinkedIn can be a more appropriate venue than Facebook and vice versa for other fields. You need to learn which option is better for your field. Try to find where your customers are hanging out.

    5. Join the twitter community to build a list of followers.

    Twitter is on a rampage. More and more entrepreneurs are tapping into the marketing power of twitter. Twitter is a place where you must communicate your thoughts in 140 characters or less. You can connect with people by "following" them. Anyone can follow you unless you block them. It is a very quick way to compile a large following. Most people post links to their blog entries, or links to their articles, or links to anything that you feel would help your customers get to know you better while learning something useful for themselves.

    6. Turn your blog entries into podcasts and submit to iTunes.

    Learn to leverage your efforts by turning blog entries and articles into mp3 audios. Posting them to a site like iTunes can increase your exposure to that same content. Some people learn by reading and others need to hear it. Now you can tap into both types of learners. Your listeners will even have the option of downloading your mp3 files to their ipod to listen at their convenience or to even send to their friends.

    7. Turn your articles into videos and post on YouTube.

    Like with audio, you can also use your articles and website content to create videos to post on YouTube. YouTube is just another way of reaching out to more people.

    Social networking can be time-consuming, so it is a good idea to choose which venues are more important for your customers, and to choose which options work with your personality. If you get stage fright, then videos might not be for you. If you love to chat, then Facebook or Twitter might be perfect for you. Just remember that when you are out there communicating that your main purpose is to sell and run a business. It is easy to get carried away and spend too much time commenting and chatting that you forget to focus on your business. Not only can social networks bring you closer to your customers and offer them a way to learn to trust you, but it can be fun, too!

    read more “Top 7 Ways to Use Social Networking as Part of Your Marketing Plan”

    There are a various ways to link which can help you boost rankings, the decision as to which method you use, is a matter of personal choice.

    Basically different types of links, amongst them are Reciprocal Linking, One Way Linking, Multiple Way Linking, Link Campaign, Incestuous Linking, Over and Under Linking, Link Doping and Link Bait. For the purposes of this article we will discuss Reciprocal, One Way Linking, Multi-way Linking, Incestuous Linking, Blink Linking and Blog Comments.

    Reciprocal link
    A Reciprocal Link is a mutual link between two websites which are compatible or symbiotic with each other. Owners of websites commonly submit their sites to link exchange which offer reciprocal linking directories.

    Reciprocal linking can also include three way linking, that is, site A links to site B who links to site C. This creates natural links in the ‘eyes’ of a search engine. Three way links are quite often more beneficial and more valuable than the two way linking.

    One Way Linking
    As the name suggests this is a method of linking used mostly by webmasters. The use hyperlinks that point to a webiste which contains no reciprocal links. This means that the link only goes in one direction. They are also known as ‘Incoming Links’ or ‘Inbound Links’.

    An effective way to build this type of one-way linking is by distributing articles through content sites and article directories. These articles generally contain an About The Author box that contains a One Way Link back to the author’s URL. When publishers use these articles, those one-way links help authors increase their page rank.

    Multi-way linking
    Used mainly for promoting wesbites, this type of linking create one way links that involve anything from three or more partner sites, ensuring that each site has a one way link. Multi-way linking derived from reciprocal linking which is losing favour amongst search engines. Search engines today hold more favour with incoming multi way links instead. These links can also be in the form of videos, images or RSS feeds.

    Incestuous linking
    This is an SEO strategy used mainly by webmasters to promote their own websites, or a collection of websites comprising of their own plus this of friends and colleagues.

    As is known, PageRank is determined by the numbers of incoming links. If these links come from website which are deemed to be important and come from highly ranked sites, they will boost the website.

    Blind link
    These are links which have been created in order to hide the destination of the link until a user has clicked on it, it accomplishes this by means of redirection. Blind Links are used in deceptive advertising and are not encouraged.

    Blog Comments
    Simply leaving a comment on a blog can result in a ‘do follow link’ to another website. A blog comment will get clicked on if the reader thinks that they comment is well thought out and is relevant to the discussion amongst fellow bloggers.

    read more “Which Link Will Work Best for your Search Engine Optimisation”

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