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Implementing Search Engine Optimisation into a Website Build

Publish by: Webmaster Monday, June 1, 2009

Despite all the preaching by SEO consultants, the untold articles and journals about the whole world of search engine optimisation, too many people still think you can add SEO afterwards. People spend inordinate amounts of money on the most lavish and expensive web design they can afford and when the launch comes nearer, they want an optimiser to get their website ready quickly so that it will rank well in the search results pages.

When this scenario happens as it happens around the world each day, SEO consultants want to leap off bridges. This may sound melodramatic, but it is fact. Businesses spend months and large amounts of money and then they are furious when an SEO consultant tells them they can’t launch. Then, when told it is now going to take time and huge effort to optimise the website that will involve significant expenditure, website owners do not like to hear that at all.

Do not build backwards

Anyone who still thinks Search Engine Optimisation can be added as an afterthought once the website has been designed is buying a heap of very expensive trouble. When designing a website from scratch as well as redesigning a website, the optimiser must be part of the team from the start. Think about this logically. You get a professional architect to draw up the plans for your new home and start building.

Then when the walls and floors are in place you realise you forgot to make provision for electricity cables and the plumbing needed for that smart bathroom. Yes, anything is possible, but you are going to have to tear that nearly completed house down. That is going to be the only way to make changes. Now swop house for website and the principles are exactly the same. You are going to have to reconstruct your website, it is going to be time-consuming and expensive to rectify and include optimisation.

Emergencies do crop up

The message being conveyed here is yes, it is possible to rectify mistakes after the fact, but it is far more cost and time effective to do it right from the start. Bringing in the SEO for a new websitewe should never be an after the fact decision, it should be part from the word go.

Do it right from the start

Yes, it is possible to optimize a website that is already constructed, this is not impossible. If a website is not ranking well enough in the search engines it is possible to overhaul the website. It is possible to optimise it strategically to boost ranking. It can happen that due to competitors or changing keywords that websites need extra optimisation. If business finds itself in this position, the expense and time to have their website re-optimised is worthwhile. With SEO on-board from the beginning, the whole layout of the website will be determined and shaped through Search Engine Optimisation practices. This will impact on website copy, the number of pages, design, coding and development. Launching a successful website is collaboration.

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Using Traffic Exchange in Promotion

Publish by: Webmaster

Traffic exchange is one of the most popular methods in internet marketing. It aims to gather visitors for the sites for free. It is very effective in generating free traffic to a site. It is also a very powerful marketing tool in terms of promotion. Traffic exchange has a very big potential in promoting a business, product, or service.

It is a fact that most of the individuals engaging in traffic exchange wants to bring traffic to their sites; so it is a must to use the program properly. Traffic exchange must surely be a part of the marketing plan but there is a strategy to make it very effective. Aside from bringing traffic to a site, it must also be a goal to introduce the business, product, or service to more people; whether they are ordinary consumers or internet marketers.

One big factor that will affect business promotion within traffic exchange is the use of landing pages. The viewers have limited minimum timeframe to surely view the promotion page. It usually goes from 10 seconds to 30 seconds. For this reason, it is important to have a page that will load all the elements easily. It must be simple but very enticing, fresh and unique, in order to grab the attention of the viewers who initially just surf a lot to bring back huge traffic to their sites. This page is called a landing page. it is like a summary of the main site, business, product, or service.

The landing page can be a splash page or a squeeze page. The splash page contains a link that will direct the viewer to the main site, or to another site that contains more information about the offer or promotion. A squeeze page contains a form where the viewers can leave their contact details in exchange with a free offer, a trial offer, or a subscription.

Whatever the type of landing page is, the first thing to consider is that the page must move the viewers to action. This action could be to know more about the product or to leave contact details. When the viewer thinks about knowing more about the business, it is already the start of being a potential customer; when the viewer leaves his or her contact details, it is an opportunity to keep in touch with this prospect in the future.

Furthermore, it is important to build a mailing list. This will surely help in future marketing plans. Keeping in touch with the potential customers for pre-selling and other reasons that could lead to a sale is a good technique. It makes the customer more familiar and comfortable with the business.

While considering these, it is best to join several traffic exchanges at one time since not one program requires membership exclusivity. Once signed up for numerous programs, it is best to surf all of them at the same time through a multiple tab browser. This will save a lot of time and effort while driving the desired traffic to the owned sites. Additionally, it is best to have downlines ore referrals to have more bonus credits and have more traffic with less effort.

read more “Using Traffic Exchange in Promotion”

Cooperating with Traffic Exchange

Publish by: Webmaster

There is a lot of feedback regarding traffic exchange as a marketing tool; some are positive and some are negative. Whatever it is, all of the marketing tools have their strengths and weaknesses. Traffic exchange has a great potential in boosting the business and helping meet success in the venture, but it needs much cooperation on the part of the business owner.

There are also a lot of people who see solutions in traffic exchanges. Solutions mean the answer to their current problems. It is true that the main reason for surfing within traffic exchanges is to bring traffic to one’s own site; and it is also a fact that surfers find interesting businesses, products, or services in traffic exchanges as well. Chances are, the internet marketers may have a certain need that can be satisfied through an offer.

The first thing to think about is the page that will be shown to the other internet marketers surfing within the program. They should be appealing enough to catch the attention of the viewers and not to let them go until they would like to know more about the product or service, or until they leave their contact details. This is very effective as the page being shown in traffic exchanges really pave the way to a possible purchase at the right time.

It is a great idea to give the viewers some free offer that they can only have in exchange of their contact details which are their name and email address. This is also known as capturing leads and building a list. This is useful for further marketing techniques.

Moreover, it is best to join manual traffic exchanges if the goal is to persuade the viewers to know more about the products. Traffic exchange has two types which are the manual traffic exchange and the auto traffic exchange.

Manual traffic exchange requires the members to click within the page in order to go to the next site and view the next page. Auto traffic exchange does not need clicking. The pages are automatically set to change after the minimum timeframe. In this case, it is certain that the pages will be viewed by humans within a manual traffic exchange as pages just keep on changing within auto traffic exchange without anyone even looking at it.

Like any other marketing tools, engaging in traffic exchanges require enough time and effort. A member gets more credits when he or she surfs more often. This is also a big opportunity to check on the sites of the competitors. Seeing their pages is a way to be updated and be competitive enough to make a lot of sales. Additionally, it is better to have referrals or downlines in order to get bonus credits and have more time in doing other things that can add to the success of the venture.

Use traffic exchanges properly and success is on its way to meet the business. Easy money is not true. Cooperation is a must in every business. The good thing with traffic exchanges is that they have free memberships; so it is not a big deal to give it a try and experience the benefits one can get out of it.

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SEO Resources For Article Marketers

Publish by: Webmaster

It is not necessary to know the ins and outs of how Google works and how Article Marketing influences search engine listings to see positive results from your article submissions.

You can progress and see the benefits if you write articles on the topic of your website, submit articles consistently, and craft strong titles and resource boxes.

However, you must know that Article Marketing is inextricably linked with SEO, and when you’re feeling up to it there are some more advanced things you can do to with your articles that will capitalize on the SEO benefits of Article Marketing.

How Do Google and Article Marketing Interconnect?

When you have a website, all marketing tools are employed with the end goal of driving traffic to that website. The traffic can come from multiple sources, but the primary traffic hubs are search engines such as Google.

Link Building is something that website owners undertake to increase their search engine ranking. When I say ’search engine ranking’ I mean where the website shows up in search results when someone Googles the website’s keywords. By building links from other websites going back to your own website, your can get a higher search engine rank. An increased search engine ranking for your major keywords can of course build traffic dramatically for the long-term.

This is where Article Marketing steps in–it is a tried and true tool for building links and driving traffic to a website over the long term. By being aware of how SEO interacts with Article Marketing, you can leverage your articles more effectively and fine tune your results. You can also develop realistic expectations, which will help you keep your motivation and momentum going.

This collection of resources is for anyone who wants to maximize their success with their article submissions. The first section “Getting Started” is for everyone–even if you don’t know anything about SEO or Google or the internet. Just read the resources under that section, and if you like you can save the rest for when you’re ready to bite off a little bit more.

The other sections are for folks who are ready to spread their wings and start learning about keywords, link building, basic SEO, and how search engines work. I hope you find these resources helpful!

read more “SEO Resources For Article Marketers”

One of the most common areas of confusion is exactly how Article Marketing works to drive traffic to a website. The answer probably has more levels than you would think, and a better understanding of how Article Marketing works can help you know what to expect.

Recently I received this question from a reader:

“I have asked several “experts” this question and not been convinced of the answers. My question is in relation to the tactic of using article marketing to drive traffic. If the target market does not utilise popular article directories as a source of information then is there any point in spending time submitting to directories? If keyword searches in article directories do not display information in the market niche can one assume that this format in not applicable to the niche?”

Those are some great questions–let’s go through them one by one…

“If the target market does not utilise popular article directories as a source of information then is there any point in spending time submitting to directories?”

Yes, there is–Although people may find your articles on an article directory, Article Marketing drives traffic to a website primarily through an increase in search engine ranking for your website’s keywords.

An increased search engine rank can build traffic dramatically for the long term.

For example, if a person does a search on Google, Yahoo or any other search engine for the keyword terms associated with your website, and if your website comes up high in the rankings (say #1 or #2 or somewhere in the top 10, which would put it on the front page of results listings), then you will receive more traffic to your website than if your site appeared lower in the rankings.

Put yourself in the position of a search engine customer–when you do a search for something on Google and other SEs, you tend to just look at the first page of results–rarely would anyone go through 5 or 10 pages of results.

If you get past the 2nd page and you still haven’t found the info you’re looking for, most people will simply figure that they need to use different search terms. They will start over typing different words into Google’s search box.

So, any website that shows up on the first page of results in Google or any other search engine will have a marked advantage in getting more traffic.

This is why people do article marketing–by consistently submitting articles on the topic of your website, you build links to your website and also are able to create a library of niche specific content that is linking back to your site (each time your article is republished, your resource box will be also, and that is how you build the links).

So, let’s go back to your question–”If the target market does not utilise popular article directories as a source of information then is there any point in spending time submitting to directories?”

Yes, because even if your target market is not doing searches on a particular article directory, they are most certainly doing search engine searches (on Google, Yahoo, etc).

Your article marketing campaign is meant to elevate your search engine rankings for your keyword terms, thereby sending you more traffic from Google, Yahoo, etc.

If keyword searches in article directories do not display information in the market niche can one assume that this format in not applicable to the niche?

I hope I’m understanding your question correctly, and please correct me if I’m not–but if you’re asking what I think you’re asking the answer would be “no”, because again the place where your target market would be doing keyword searches would be in search engines like Google. Whenever someone does a search for a keyword term in Google there will always be a result–your object is to have your website rank highly in the results in Google.

On the article directory itself, you will submit your article to the category that best matches your topic. Most article directories will have an assortment of general categories, and you would pick the one that matches most closely (for example, if your topic was ‘dogs’, you would choose the ‘pets’ category).

I wouldn’t worry so much about how things are arranged on the article directory itself.

The article directory is not the end of the line–it’s just the beginning.

The article directory is the hub from which publishers will find your article and then republish it on their sites (thereby building even more links to your site).

So, when you submit an article to a directory, you are not just building one link–you are placing your article on the free market in a location that is a hive of activity.

Lots of publishers use free reprint articles on their sites, and they go to various article directories (or do a search on Google) looking for articles that are on the topic of their particular website. So, putting an article on a directory is not the end result–the article directory is a means to an end.

It’s basically like placing a product of yours in a busy store where everyone can see it. The store gets traffic from many places–some of the traffic is just people stopping by spur of the moment, but other traffic comes from more targeted sources–from an ad the store placed in the newspaper or on TV.

So, bringing it back to Article Marketing–the article directory is the store, and the article is like your product.

You will get people looking at your article simply because they came to the directory and were searching on the directory for certain types of articles, but you will also get people who came to your article via a search on Google.

read more “How Does Article Marketing Drive Traffic To A Website?”

I know successful blog promotion is all about networking with other bloggers and practicing strong SEO. How exactly would you go about asking others to link to your blog and increase the quality link juice? Is it bad form to strait-up ask for a link, or propose a link exchange? Or is it the kind of thing that just naturally develops over time?

That is quite a pertinent question. Networking with other bloggers is certainly essential, but I see many people doing it the wrong way. Below you will find 5 things that you shouldn’t do when approaching bloggers for your networking efforts (with a bonus tip in the end).

1. Asking for a link to your blog, article or service

Albeit good your blog, website or service might be, don’t email bloggers asking for a link. Links are the currency of the web, and people don’t give them away for whoever comes asking.

Additionally, if you write an email to a blogger explicitly and exclusively asking for a link, there are high chances that your email will be sent to the trash folder as soon as the person gives it a quick glimpse.

This approach can do more harm than good, therefore, because it won’t get you the link in the first place, and it might also damage your image and burn a bridge with the blogger.

2. Stating that the audience of that blog will be interested in your article or service

Writing to some blogger stating that you are sure that his audience will be interested in your service or article is a lot of presumption. The blogger knows his audience, and he will be the one determining whether or not your service or article will be interesting to his audience.

Again, this approach might do more harm than good. If the service or article is indeed relevant and useful to the audience of that blogger, he will consider writing about it, because it represents an opportunity to give value to his readers.

Your statement that “his audience will love the service” will certainly not convince the blogger, but it might annoy him.

3. Proposing a link exchange out of the blue

There are many spammers around who mass email webmasters and blog owners proposing link exchanges. If you approach someone with this same style, guess what, you will look like one of them.

If you are trying to develop link partnerships where you will recommend relevant and useful sites for your readers, and where your partners will do the same, take the time to build a relationship first.

4. Proposing a deal where only you have something to gain

The summary of this point is: don’t try to be a smart ass. If you have a blog that receives 30,000 monthly unique visitors, don’t email another blogger who receives 500,000 monthly unique visitors asking whether he is interested in exchanging banner ads with you.

Networking is about finding win-win situations.

5. Asking before you give

This is a golden rule of networking: give before you ask. If you want bloggers to link to your service or articles, link to their posts first. If you want someone to promote your products, promote his products first.

This approach is even more effective is you do it genuinely. In other words, don’t link to or promote someone’s products just because you are hoping that he will return the favor. Do it because you think that his website or product has a good quality, and because you genuinely want to spread the word about it. If in the future the person returns the favor, that is a plus.

Bonus Point: How To Pitch Your Service or Article

You might be asking yourself: “OK, those are the things I shouldn’t do. How should I approach a blogger if I want him to write about my service, product or article, though?”

It is simple: write an email or use his contact form and go straight to the point. Mention that you have a service or article, and that you want him to take a look. Include the URL, and sign off. If the service or article is interesting and relevant to the audience of that blogger, he will certainly write about it. If it’s not, he won’t. As simple as that.

read more “5 Things You SHOULDN’T Do When Approaching Bloggers”

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