Despite all the preaching by SEO consultants, the untold articles and journals about the whole world of search engine optimisation, too many people still think you can add SEO afterwards. People spend inordinate amounts of money on the most lavish and expensive web design they can afford and when the launch comes nearer, they want an optimiser to get their website ready quickly so that it will rank well in the search results pages.
When this scenario happens as it happens around the world each day, SEO consultants want to leap off bridges. This may sound melodramatic, but it is fact. Businesses spend months and large amounts of money and then they are furious when an SEO consultant tells them they can’t launch. Then, when told it is now going to take time and huge effort to optimise the website that will involve significant expenditure, website owners do not like to hear that at all.
Do not build backwards
Anyone who still thinks Search Engine Optimisation can be added as an afterthought once the website has been designed is buying a heap of very expensive trouble. When designing a website from scratch as well as redesigning a website, the optimiser must be part of the team from the start. Think about this logically. You get a professional architect to draw up the plans for your new home and start building.
Then when the walls and floors are in place you realise you forgot to make provision for electricity cables and the plumbing needed for that smart bathroom. Yes, anything is possible, but you are going to have to tear that nearly completed house down. That is going to be the only way to make changes. Now swop house for website and the principles are exactly the same. You are going to have to reconstruct your website, it is going to be time-consuming and expensive to rectify and include optimisation.
Emergencies do crop up
The message being conveyed here is yes, it is possible to rectify mistakes after the fact, but it is far more cost and time effective to do it right from the start. Bringing in the SEO for a new websitewe should never be an after the fact decision, it should be part from the word go.
Do it right from the start
Yes, it is possible to optimize a website that is already constructed, this is not impossible. If a website is not ranking well enough in the search engines it is possible to overhaul the website. It is possible to optimise it strategically to boost ranking. It can happen that due to competitors or changing keywords that websites need extra optimisation. If business finds itself in this position, the expense and time to have their website re-optimised is worthwhile. With SEO on-board from the beginning, the whole layout of the website will be determined and shaped through Search Engine Optimisation practices. This will impact on website copy, the number of pages, design, coding and development. Launching a successful website is collaboration.