You can earn great money with Google adsense program. I write for a few websites that use google adsense and I do make some money
each month. It’s much faster than a pay per view website. You can earn $5 dollars with a few clicks but you have to have 5000 views in order to earn $5 at a pay per view website. You should stick with both kinds of websites so you can spread out your earnings. You shouldn’t drop any of them. The more you can earn the better.
You have to create a lot of articles in order to generate revenue on a website that pays per click and the same goes with a pay per view website. You won’t earn a lot if you only have around 10 articles. You will start to earn once you have thousands of articles. The more articles you have the more you can earn. The topic that you write nowadays doesn’t matter anymore since Google switch their ads to reader’s interests instead of content related ads. This means you can write about anything that you like and you don’t have to gear it toward Google adsense ads.
You can earn anywhere from a few pennies to several dollars per day. One really good website for pay per click is Xomba. Xomba is much faster than any other website. Ehow is really good too but Ehow is harder to write for than Xomba. You can blog on Xomba if you like. Hubpages is another website that has the google adsense program. Hubpages revenue can be slower than Xomba. I have hubpages but it’s slower than Xomba. You can earn with Google adsense if you have a lot of articles. You won’t be able to earn with a few articles.