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8 Basic Steps to Generating Online Traffic

Publish by: Webmaster Friday, April 3, 2009

For any Internet business to succeed, generating TRAFFIC is absolutely essential. That is, finding and implementing ways to entice potential buyers to read, see or hear your sales message and then to opt-in for additional information or to purchase. Without generating traffic, it is unlikely anyone will see your message (unless they perhaps stumble upon it).

If you want to attract customers or clients, you must constantly be instituting competitive methods for creating interest and action from your target market. Your target market is the group you have identified as seriously potential buyers of your product or service.

Above all, you do not want to simply spend your time, energy, and money advertising to just anyone who will possibly listen --- that is extremely ineffective. When generating traffic, the process needs to include research and discipline when finding your possible buyers and reaching them in a way that is most profitable.

Consider these 8 traffic generating methods:

1. Use Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, such as Google's AdWords or similar programs by Yahoo or MSN. This method does require a learning curve, so take the time to investigate how this process is successfully implemented. When you do this right, the results can be profitable. But, if you do not do your homework, it can be a very expensive learning process.

A good place to begin is to study the tutorials provided by Google's AdWords website. Then, you will also be able to find loads of additional training available by doing an online search. There is no end to the ebooks, videos and courses on the topic of PPC advertising.

And, a here's tip: to get your sea legs, you may want to start this advertising method with one of the PPC programs other than Google. It can be a little less expensive.

2. Learn the science of effective keyword selection. Here, again, the novice will find that there is a bit of learning curve. But, when you do get the hang of researching and picking relevant keywords or phrases, you are likely to attract more targeted prospects. And, when the search engines pick up on your high ranking keywords, your message is likely to be viewed by more people. A pay-per-click ad has a better chance of appearing in the initial search results pages. There are a number of very good keyword search tools.

3. Create an opt-in page where visitors provide their name and email address for further information. The opt-in page may be called a squeeze page, a capture page, an opt-in sales page or a variety of other names. But, the bottom line is that the prospect voluntarily provides their contact information and it is added to your auto-responder mailing list.

It is this list of prospects and customers that becomes your cherished source for future sales. Prior to obviously promoting a product or service, begin to develop a relationship with newly listed prospects to establish credibility. It is important for people on your list to view you as someone they can trust.

4. Create newsletters and special announcements to send out to your auto-responder list of subscribers. Establish yourself as an “expert” on your particular topic. Give your prospects or customers a reason to do business with you.

If you are communicating effectively with your list, you will generate additional traffic by giving your readers a reason to forward your message or to share details about your particular product, service, or promotion with others.

5. Write articles and press releases. By writing and submitting articles to the article directories, you implement a marketing method for potentially long-term exposure. At the end of the article you ad short informative copy about your product or service with a link to get additional information.

Submitting a press release about your product or service can create a sense of urgency and value to what you are marketing. The structure of the press release depends on the topic and where it is submitted.

6. Implement the use of Viral Marketing. This is where you take the opportunity to include your website address and a short promotional blurb to sources that are likely to be shared by others.

With this marketing method, people can become so intrigued with the message or information you provide they feel compelled to pass it along to others. For example, you can attach a creative or informative message or link to various types of media -- such as an article, some variation of gossip or buzz format, a funny video or entertaining game.

7. Join forums or discussion sites to gain information and to share your knowledge. Research forum websites for your particular topic, observe the communication exchanged on these sites, and eventually contribute value to establish your credibility as an “expert.” As with articles, you can ad a brief blurb about your product or service and include a contact link.

8. Exchange or trade links with other websites. This can be a great way to build business relationships with owners of other website or blog, and this method is free to inexpensive. Do a search for websites that will compliment the product or service that you offer. Chances are the other website owner will consider this a good move as well.

By showing each others website links, it brings additional attention to the sites -- and the search engines like to see incoming links. Also, when visitors see your link shown on someone else's site, it may appear to be an implied endorsement.

The above methods for generating traffic only represent a fraction of the tools you can use to achieve marketing success. However, these 8 traffic generating tools have proven to be well worth your time, effort and expense when properly implemented. More information about these and other methods can easily be found by doing an online search.

From Articlesbase!

read more “8 Basic Steps to Generating Online Traffic”

You've just written an eloquent, intelligent, and enlightening article. Your title is great, your topic is timeless, and the quality is top notch.

But wait a second--you're not done yet. You need to create a resource box that will get the reader from your article on over to your website.

Article marketing is not just about the article--having a compelling resource box is crucial to your success!

Remember, you shouldn't be talking about your own website or business in the article body, but you can (and should!) talk about your business and website in the resource box. Along with your name, brief bio info, and your website URL, you need to give the reader a reason to hop from your article on over to your website.

When you give the reader a great reason to click the link in your resource box leading to your website, you will generate more traffic to your site, which is what you're after, right?

Use one of these top 7 resource box lures, and you'll maximize your click throughs:

1) A free e-book

Your free e-book should be on the topic of your website (as all your articles should be), so any reader who likes one of your articles would be interested in a book with additional info.

In your resource box, be sure to say that the e-book is free, as anything free is very attractive to readers! If the e-book is of a longer length (let's say 50 pages or so), you might want to put that bit of info in your resource box as well, as it lets the reader know that it's a significant amount of info (and that would be more of a lure).

Your e-book doesn't have to be of epic length though--even a book that is only 10 pages long and jam packed with helpful information would be valuable to a reader.

2) A newsletter

If you have a newsletter, you already have a wonderful reason for readers to click through to your website from your resource box. Instead of saying "For more info, visit my website", it would be more effective to say, "Sign up for a free newsletter offering weekly tips on this topic" and then give your website URL.

3) An e-course

An e-course is basically a series of emails that teaches the reader something. It's different than a newsletter because usually e-courses are of limited duration and are very specific in what they teach.

They're effective because people love to learn, especially for free!

In your resource box you could say, "Claim your free 10 part e-course on [some specific aspect of your niche]" and then give your website URL.

4) In depth content

Most articles are limited in length to about 1500 words or less, so it's hard to get super in depth in your article content.

Since you're an expert in the topic of your website, why not create a page on your website that offers a continuation of the information you condensed in your article?

5) A great product or service

This is an easy one--if you've got a unique, stellar, stand out type of service or product, you have a build in reason for folks to click through to your site. Be sure that you explain in your resource box what your product is and what the benefits are. This approach works best if what you're selling really is unique and there aren't a whole bunch of other folks with the same type of product or service.

6) A discount

People LOVE feeling like they're saving money and getting a good deal (the only thing people love more is getting stuff for free!). If you have a product based site, you might want to come up with some sort of offer that will allow your readers to get a discount on a purchase.

7) A blog

To be an effective resource box lure, the blog must be well-tended, offering fresh and useful information on the topic of your website. It depends on your niche, but I think a blog offering mostly 'how to' posts is most attractive to readers. A blog not only gives readers a reason to click through to your website from your article, but it also gives them a reason to continue visiting your site--you're offering a steady stream of useful content, which is quite an incentive!

Now you've got 7 ideas for resource box lures that will give readers a reason to hop from your article over to your website. For each resource box, you only need one "lure", but you can switch things up and try different reasons to click through for different articles.

Experiment and see which lure works the best for you!

read more “Get More Click Throughs To Your Website: 7 Best Resource Box Lures”

In the SEO world there are a few things you need to consider. First you need to make sure that you write your site naturally and in a very compelling way to the reader. Entice your readers with compelling content and they are sure to tell a friend, link back to your site from theirs or other blogs they write to, and if your site is interesting enough they will bookmark it or even write their own social network hub talking about your site.

Once your site is written and looks good, you will want to go back over it to set it up for on page optimization. This is only 10-20% of seo but if you think about it all your off page SEO tactics depend on the on site value. It's a lot like how a site promoting a meditation CD is the most important part in getting them to purchase it but if your site hypes them up and the product itself doesn't deliver then they will never trust you again even tell their friends how you promise and don't deliver.

Setting up your on page optimization is simple, just sprinkle a keyword people will most likely use when searching for your site in search engines about 6-8 times within the page, working it in NATURALLY to the content itself. Keep your page under 800 words in length, people like to read compelling articles but don't over do it.

Your off page optimization will entail getting quality backlinks to your site and by quality I mean links from what are called authority sites. There are a few good ways to do this that are simple and effective. The most effective is to write articles for authority WordPress sites. This article should be around 500 words and should be written well. You include a link back to your domains main page in this article to provide you with a linkback. Write about 4 of these a month and over time you will build up an arsenal of linkbacks from authority sites. This takes time but is well worth the effort.

You should also get accounts with the major social networking sites like Hubpages and Squidoo and write a few pages on there too, including a link back. These are authority sites as well so your linkback will carry weight. There are services that you can write 100 word blogs with a link back to your site that will distribute these blogs naturally across several authority sites as well. You should sprinkle about 30 of these snippet blogs a month through them. They distribute them over several weeks so it's a natural way to provide linkbacks quickly for your site. Make sure your blogs are quality and on topic.

You will want to use a keyword that directly talks about your site as the anchor text and the linkback points to your main page as well a several of your internal site pages. Between the article submissions, web 2.0 sites, and these blog networks you can generate an enormous amount of link popularity and you do it while adding valuable content to the web. The articles and blogs you submit will be there for ever so as long as you continue to provide new linkbacks every month the power of your efforts will only get stronger. For example if you publish 4 article submissions, 2 web 2.0 articles, and 30 blogs per month, at first it will be a small number of linkbacks (all be it all authority links so they hold alot of value) but after 3 months you will have amassed 90 linkbacks in blog sites, 12 article submission linkbacks, and 6 web 2.0 articles linkbacks.

Although your submitting the same effort each month your added linkback providing articles/blogs become more powerful because of the stack of linkbacks previously. In the search engines eyes if your old linkbacks age and no new ones are created your site's ranking will diminish but if you bring in just a few new linkbacks every month all the old ones become incredibly valuable. The new ones are like watering the old ones as well as providing more link popularity as well!

read more “Building Your Site Traffic Through a Good Link Building Strategy in 2009”

Google adsense is a wonderful program that google has created to allow everyone to put relevant ads on their webpages. In return, you will earn online advertising revenue every time someone clicks on your google adsense ad. Here are some tips on how to make money online using Google Adsense.

Start out by creating your own website or blog. To add google adsense ads to your blog you must be able to edit the HTML in your blog. Some blog services do not allow you to put advertisements on them so choose a service like blogger, that will allow you to ad google adsense ads.

Log into your google adsense account. Click the adsense setup button at the top of the screen. Choose what type of ad you would like to display on your web page. Some ad types have been proven to get more clicks on them so do some research before you choose which type of ad you would like to put on your web page.

Get the code for the ad that you have created and add it to your blog or website. Research different positioning for ads. Many online experts claim that they have found the best positioning for ads on websites but you will have to see what works best for you. Every website and every blog are very different so try different positioning for ads to see what kind of results you will get.

Make sure that your ads are relevant to the content on your page. You can do this by editing the keywords on your page. Change your content if necessary to get relevant ads onto your page. Your reader will not be likely to click on an ad if it is not relevant to the topic that they are looking for.

Drive traffic to your content. The hardest part of making money with google adsense is to get traffic to your content. Learn different ways to raise your page rank so that you can get more traffic to your page. Without traffic, you will not make any money with google adsense.

FOLLOW ALL OF THE RULES. Read all of the rules that google has set in place for google adsense. If you break any of these rules, you will get your account banned and you will no longer be able to make money using google adsense. Never tell people to click on your ads because this is considered click fraud. This will get your google adsense banned very quickly. Once you understand all of the rules for google adsense, you can start making money online using this program.

Keep testing different layouts for your page and different settings for your google adsense ads. Keep changing these things until you are satisfied with the results that you get from your google adsense earnings. You can research different ways that people have made money through adsense but you will have to test everything yourself.

read more “How to Make Money Online Using Google Adsense”

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