Here are several fixes you can do that will make your video readable by the search engines. Search engine crawlers read html very well, but not your video.
At the present time, Google’s freshbot crawler cannot read inside a video. You will need to help that little freshbot.
Consider these factors:
1. Make sure that you tag your video with keyword tags. Keyword tags is what you type into the search box to find what you need. The keywords might be “how to”, “video”, “strawberry rhubarb”, “baking”, “pie” if you did a video on how to make a strawberry rhubarb pie. You would not use the quotes around the keywords, however.
2. You have to give the search engines enough of a description to help them to determine what is in the video. Keywords must be used in this text. The crawlers can read html code extremely well, so tell them what the video says. Do a good job of summarizing the content of the video in a paragraph or more. It wouldn’t hurt if you printed out the text that you used to record the video, assuming that you didn’t free-wheel it. Surround your video with the text which is keyword rich.
3. Inbound links to your videos: Be sure to use keywords in your anchor text.
4. The title of your video is very important. Do some research. Look for a keyword phrase that has a small number of searches per day…about 3,000 to 5,000 searches per day. If you use those keywords in your title, you will probably rank very well.
5. Submit your video to Digg and Mixx which are social sites. Make sure that you check the box that says that this is a video.
6. Submit your video to RSS feeds. A good one to use is rssfeedsubmit. There are many others to choose from. Simply type in “rss feeds” into your search box. A number of choices will show up.
7. Another trick you need to do is add your full URL in the description area of your video. Make sure that you precede your description with your full URL when you type in your keyword rich description in to the video sharing site. Your full URL includes the http:// This allows people to go directly to your site if they find that they liked your video and want to see more of what you have to offer.
Video optimization has become more and more important as video becomes mainstream. You need to change the way you publish your video if you want to experience the full, search engine optimization, (SEO), effect of your video production. Consider what the web crawlers can read and adapt your publication accordingly.