Blogging has been around for quite awhile now, but I am still very new to it. I started my first blog mainly because I thought it would be a great way to make a bit of extra money. Right away the money started coming in, so I decided to make a second blog, and then a third.
Things were going great until one day I was contacted by Google who told me that "my AdSense account had posed a significant risk to their Adwords advertisers". WHAT??!!?? What could I possibly have done, I thought to myself. I checked all my blogs (remember, I have three) to see what they could possibly be talking about. I could not find anything wrong whatsoever! I only posted my own content, I never copied anything from any other site. How could I, it was all about my own life. I hardly think that anyone out there could possibly have written the exact same things that I had if it was only about me, my family, and our experiences.
I appealed their decision and tried desperately to find out what it was that I could have done. Why was my AdSense account disabled? My husband said that he knew blogging was going to be a waste of my time. I really don't think that it is, but I still don't know what I did to upset Google. The only reply I got back from them was yet another computer generated response telling me to check their FAQ. How could that possible help? I've checked it at least ten times and found nothing!
If I had stolen content, or placed other ads on my sight at the same time as the Google ones, or broken any other of their rules, I would know exactly what it was that I had done wrong, because it would have been done on purpose. But I am a very honest person. I do not take advantage of people, lie, cheat, or steal, because I would never want anyone to do that to me. I was and still am very upset that Google could not take the time to contact me to tell me what I did wrong. I know they are a huge company and very busy, so please don't write to tell me that.
AdSense is a great program and it was really starting to bring in some money for me. I was up to $22.00 when they cancelled my account. That's not a lot of money but I only had my blogs going for a little over a month. I thought about starting a brand new blog and applying for AdSense again. But there were two things that I could think of right away that stopped me from doing that.
1. Seeing as Google would not tell me what it was specifically that I had done wrong, what was to stop me from doing the exact same thing again. I mean, I really DO NOT have any idea what the problem was.
2. Google said that I could not reapply. Once your account has been cancelled they will not let you back in to the program.
Has anyone else out there had this sort of difficulty? I'm really curious because I have seen MANY, MANY blogs and websites that are breaking Google's rules every day. I can't even tell you how many people have Google ads running right along side other companies' ads when that is a definite No-No according to Google. I have also seen ads that are not exactly "family-friendly" if you know what I mean, when Google said that you absolutely could not have any of that type of content on your blog at all. Why is it when someone like me tries to get ahead, they get shot down right away, while others who break every rule in sight, get away with it. It makes you wonder if being honest is the right path after all.
Since that time I have been scouring the internet trying desperately to find a way to make some honest, legal extra money. I came across Triond and thought that it sounded legitimate and decided to give it a try. I have only been with Triond since June 1st so I cannot really judge whether this will be worth my time and effort. (And I do mean "effort". My health is not great and it takes a lot out of me to do what I am doing. I can't afford to waste my time. So far I have only made 18 cents. Not exactly enough to help out my husband with the finances. He is the only one who goes out to work (because of my health) and we have four growing children. It puts a lot of strain on him and sometimes our relationship, and that is why I spend most of my day trying to find a "real" job that I can do from the comfort of my home.