Search engine optimization is the buzz word on everyone’s lips these days. SEO used to be simple; it used to be a no sweat operation. However, the internet has become a far more competitive place over the years and continues to do so thanks to exponential expansion. This expansion means that more and more people are squeezing into the online cyber universe to pedal their wares, socialize, network and live.
So where does that leave you? That leaves you in the position of needing to up your SEO tactics to stand a fighting chance. One thing you need to remember about SEO tactics is that copy writing plays a huge role. You will need to follow certain rules and regulations to make your copy writing effective.
Plan ahead
Planning ahead is something that is always on the cards of a well organized and efficient company or business. You need to plan ahead to budget your time, money, resources and such into your daily, weekly and annual schedule. So too do you need to plan ahead for copy writing when you are trying to up your SEO game. You need to be able to budget those key phrases in at just the right intervals. However, the biggest reason for planning ahead is so that you know exactly what those key phrases are. You plan your copy writing around your key phrases and not vice versa.
Lead under dictation
For once, you are not going to be in control. Your audience dictates to you here, they will make the decision for you as to what key phrases you must use. In order to be visible your keywords need to coincide with the phrases your target market uses to search with. Whether you like those particular phrases or not; you have to use what your audience is looking for.
Key headliners
Search Engines place more weight on headlines and sub-headers than the rest of the copy content. So make yours rich on keywords to attract the attention of the engines that drive your website visibility. Emboldening your headlines also adds extra oomph and so does including them within your tags. Headlines and sub-headings need to be bold and encoded to get some extra attention from the search engines and promote your website effectively.
Key into your copy
Key words and key phrases play a monumental role in gaining the attention of the search engines and their undivided attention is exactly what you want. So how do you go about getting what you want and not ending up on the second or even hundredth search page? You add popular keywords and key phrases to your copy. Remember to use key words and phrases that your audience targets. Do not stuff your key phrases into your copy just to try to attract more attention. You will attract bad attention and you will send your audience to your competitors. Use roughly 3 percent of your wording for your keywords and key phrases, but most importantly, make it sound natural so that it flows.