Everyone is not a writer and every writer is not a good search engine optimisation writer. If every person could do everything well, we would live in a rather strange world. Writing SEO Articles are not as straight forward as many people seem to think. Before you can write an SEO article, you have to understand how search engines work. You must know how search engines go about trawling through text in articles. Once you understand the fundamentals, it is possible to write an optimised article that sound natural and reads easily. Successfully optimised articles hold huge benefits for your website and is indispensable as part of your optimisation program.
What do search engines look for?
Search engines trawl your website and the keywords present in your articles are what they link to. Therefore you need to choose appropriate keywords that are specific for your website before you start writing the article. The easiest way to explain is through an example. You have a website that is based on Spanish Seaside holidays. Basic keywords for an article would then be: Spain, vacation, seaside, honeymoon and summer. This is a basic example; it is not always simple to find appropriate keywords.
That is why SEO Tools have been developed. To help by providing samples of keywords that applies to common phrases and search terms. The basic keywords listed above as example give the writer scope for quite a few articles. The reason being that the same information would be presented differently depending on the target audience. A first time visitor to Spain would be interested in a different article than tourists say from the Americas. Tourists from Africa or the Asian continent would benefit more from an article based on their own needs. In this way you generate basically one concept to write about, but generate various articles. This brings you a much wider target audience.
How many keywords are enough?
If you try to use your keywords as many times as possible within an article, you can fail totally. The term used is keyword stuffing and this will annoy the search engines and that is bad news. The optimum is to use between three to five keywords per article. Keyword density is important and keywords must be spread evenly throughout an article. This allows the reader to grasp the message easily without fixating on the keywords that are repeated too often. The secret is for the keywords to be used smoothly as part of a logical sentence.
How important is article length?
There is not a single answer to this. The length of an Search Engine Optimisation article would depend on whether it is for a website or a blog. The average website article length is approximately 500 words while a blog posting article would normally be around 100 words. In general it is better to have more articles of fewer words than one very long article. The reasons are that shorter articles are easier to assimilate for readers. More articles create more links to your website in the search engines and you can spread shorter articles over more web pages. This is more beneficial for your website as it attracts more search engine attention.