Page Rank is all about authority, the more authority a website receives, the higher the page rank goes, that is the general theory.
Don’t be deceived, high listings in the SERP’s are not about how big your page rank is, as the saying goes it is not the size but what you do with it that counts.
I can give examples of site that are PR 1 but rank #1 for some very generic terms within Google, however the theory and process of SEO is such you build them both together, like a well tuned operation it is not all about what is done in the shop front but usually the stock room that runs the engine.
These are my five top tips for building page rank:
1. Integrate a blog into your website, using wordpress you can integrate a simple blog into your website, wordpress also has a ping list, as soon as you post blogs the web is effectively notified of your blog, be controversial, create interest and just like the viral effect people will post your blogs creating natural links back to your site.
2. Press Releases, use someone like pressreleasepoint for a small fee distribute to about 60 PR engines, it is cheap to do, if you have not written releases before read up about writing styles, this is not a “process” and the purpose is to create real interest about what you have to say, if you hit the right note, it will get published and again create natural links back to your site, as well as build your brand.
3. Social media distribution, when you have good content, don’t sit on it, get it out and about, submit into social network sites, if your article takes off, the rewards will be there for you to see, and if not, there is no harm as if you are consistent and your content is good, you will build your own following which will create links and improve your longer tail of search.
4. Use methods such as commentating on other peoples blogs, and where they allow you to, pingback a link to your website, also use Yahoo! Answers, you can give people feedback and again create some natural back linking.
5. All the above are not quick methods, they are methods used to build the authority of your topic “website” and build your web based authority off page back to your website which is what will have an effect on a search engines perception of your site.