In recent years, e-mail marketing has been used by websites to promote products and services. This marketing strategy has proven to be effective and cost-efficient. Besides search engine marketing, which is the number one strategy, e-mail marketing is gaining popularity and is now being resorted to by a lot of companies. E-mail marketing is no different from direct mail marketing. In the past, companies send catalogs and other product announcements to people using snail mail or postal services. E-mail marketing does the same thing but the information is sent electronically. The difference is in terms of speed. Using the e-mail facility is not only fast, it is also cheap. Here are reasons why an e-mail marketing campaign is an important internet marketing tool that can give you a higher return on investment : Easy to use and cost efficiency Setting up an e-mail marketing campaign is as easy as sending a personal e-mail. Though you will be e-mailing to hundreds if not thousands of people, there are available inexpensive auto-responders and e-mail marketing software to make the work quicker. An e-mail marketing campaign does not require too much of an investment nor time to implement. Provide constant communication with customers Not too many people will place their trust on someone selling through the internet. A lot of buyers are even hesitant to pay online. An e-mail marketing campaign allows the seller to assure buyers of its credibility. Why is this so? Through constant e-mail updates on products and services, customers are kept informed of what is new and upcoming. Regular communication between seller and customer is present. This is important in building trust especially on the customer’s part. E-mails can reach targeted customers better It is a waste advertising to people who are not really interested in your products or services. An e-mail marketing campaign will have an opt-out option and those who do not want to receive updates can always use this option. When someone receives an e-mail from your company and does not opt-out this is an indication that the person is interested and would like to know more about your products or services. A targeted market will be established. It will now be effortless to promote products and services. Make your business noticed Studies have shown that for a customer to buy from a site, it will take several visits before a sales conversion will take place. This is not really news that companies welcome. With an e-mail marketing campaign, you will be in touch with your potential customers on a regular basis. Customers will then know the availability of a product or service from your site. Whenever a need comes up, there is a high probability that the customer will remember your site and likely buy from you.