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3 Simple Solutions For Online Marketing Information Overload

Publish by: Webmaster Tuesday, March 31, 2009

When you realize the potential for growing your business using online marketing, the next step is to learn what to do and how to do it. This is where most people get stuck.

The good news is there is a plethora of free information on the internet about online marketing strategies. The bad news is there is a plethora of free online marketing information on the internet, which, for most people, can quickly lead to information overload.

It starts innocently enough with searching on a specific strategy such as pay-per-click, or article directories, or online video, or ... But one thing can quickly lead to another thing, and pretty soon you're r
eading about 20 different online lead generation strategies.

In the course of your wanderings, you stumble on countless blogs with hundreds of tips and strategies. And it seems like everyone has a report or email series that will cure all your problems, and they're all free, so what the heck, you sign up for all of them.

Before long, you spend your days reading email and blogs, and wandering aimlessly around the internet, trying to figure out how it all ties together, or searching in vain for the magic blue pill you need to boost your business, the silver bullet. Pretty soon weeks go by, then months, and you still haven't implemented anything. Your inbox is overflowing. You have hundreds of useful bookmarks.

You have tons of information swirling in your brain but you haven't added one nickle to the bottom line of your business. You have thousands of emails, and hundreds of notes and downloaded files. You have so much information you don't know where to find specific information when you need it.

I confess, not too long ago this was me. The engineer in me wanted to know everything before I got started, and wanted to get everything perfect the first time. As I encounter other people learning internet marketing for their business, I find a large percentage are also stuck in information overload land. I'm happy to report that I have been "cured" of internet marketing overloaditis.

Just follow these 3 simple guidelines and watch your income grow, not just your headache.

1. Just say no. Spend enough time figuring out which mentors you relate to and want to learn from and then just say no to everyone and everything else. Get off email lists and be selective about which blogs you read.

2. Get organized. Setup a file folder for each different strategy such as social networking, online video, PPC, article directories, etc. Create the same directory structure in your email system. Setup a physical binder with identical tabs. When you get valuable information, file it in the appropriate folder for easy retrieval in the future. Print out the important information and put it in your binder. Now when you need information on a specific topic you know where to find it.

3. Just do it. You don't have to be perfect. Read carefully because this is the most important step. Pick one online marketing method, and put it into practice. Focus on this method and make it your highest priority. Once you have it mastered you can then add a second method. Prioritize tasks related to generating income at the top of your task list, and only spend time wandering around on the internet AFTER you have completed your income producing actions for the day and only if you have enough willpower to stop after a specific amount of time.

You will learn so much more by taking action it's amazing. The heardest part can be the first step. Just do whatever you have to do to take that first step and watch how much easier the next step is.

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