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Specialising keyword Search Engine Optimisation

Publish by: Webmaster Thursday, June 4, 2009

Whenever you look for information about SEO strategy and methods you will undoubtedly come across numerous examples. And to make matters worse, those examples are predominantly about popular search items like digital cameras, cars and such.

But what happens when you are not offering the world a popular search item. What if your products are completely in uncharted waters or off the beaten track? Do you need to worry about special treatment and special SEO for your specific and highly specialised industry? The answer is a plain and simple no.

Whether you are selling a popular gadget that half the cyber population wants to get their hands on or whether you sell something very few have ever heard of, keywords are king. Keywords and key phrases are the king in your SEO content and they will always be important no matter who you are and what you are offering. So, do you need specialized SEO tactics for a specialised industry? Definitely not. You still need a keyword tool and you still need to trawl the lists of possible keyword and key phrase candidates. You will still fall under the same Search Engine Optimisation guidelines as other, more popular businesses.

Benefit in an upper hand

The only thing that is really very different between specialised industries and popular ones is their popularity. Sure, you are not wining any broad-spectrum popularity contests, but you are still winning. You are scoring less competition than your popular counterparts are. This is simply because popular industry searches are crammed full. They are packed to the brink with websites offering the exact same thing. And the competition between websites is far fiercer than in a specialised industry. So be thankful that you have one thing going for you. You may not draw as many people as popular products or services but you have less competition for the searchers you do attract.

Keep it simple and play it straight

Your target market may be out there among the millions of cyber surfers that want nothing to do with you. You are in among millions, if not billions, of websites that have nothing to do with you. How on earth are you going to attract your target market, how are you going to find each other in cyberspace? The answer is simple. You are going to select key words and key phrases that are as closely related to your products as possible. There you are going to make sure that your website is maximally optimised so that you have a good search ranking. Then you are going to wait for the searchers to come to you.

Your target market will seek you out if you have the right keywords in place. Pick the most popular ones that have the most relation to your products. It is utterly useless using keywords that do not pertain to your products, no matter how popular they are. Keep your keywords industry and product specific so that your target market can find you with easy. Make it as easy for them as possible to find you, if you don’t they will go to your competition.

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